

Get rid of stage fright, free your imagination and awaken creativity in yourself …

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The programme is designed to enable young people to gain new skills, knowledge and experiences in collaboration with contemporary theatre experts, and to provide professional artists with opportunities to critically think, further develop and broaden the scope of their artistic praxis through collaboration with the guest artists and teachers, but also with their colleagues, who are participating in the programme and come from different artistic fields or from other disciplines.

The programme supports and stimulates the idea of lifelong learning, development, research and reviewing. It is aimed at:

• children and young people who want to find out more about the process of creating works of contemporary theatre in collaboration with their peers and drama specialists regardless of their previous theatrical experience and knowledge

• non-established and emerging theatre and performing artists and creators

• professionals who already have significant theatrical and performing knowledge and experience

• those who already have knowledge and experience in other arts closely related to the theatre and performance and who wish to collaborate and/or extend their specialist practice (costume designers, stage designers, musicians, video makers etc.)

• those who want to explore new ways of interaction with practitioners of other disciplines, having in mind the development of their own creativity and ability to create and to work in an interdisciplinary context.

• those who want to rethink and redefine theatre and performance
The educational programme is put into practice through two simultaneous and interrelated projects